To make it easy for you to shorten long links, we have integrated a link shortener ( into the Content Planner. This service is hosted in Germany and is DSGVO-compliant. Simply insert your content including the link into the text field and then click the fourth icon (marked yellow in the screenshot). All links in the text will then be automatically shortened.
Currently, links can only be shortened automatically with our SocialHub link shortener ( or
Tip: Under Account > Link Shortener you can connect your account and select the domain to be used.
Please note: If you use the identical link for several posts in a post group and have it shortened, you will receive the identical shortened link. This means that the shortened link no longer provides the unique number of clicks for the individual posts. Instead, all clicks on this link are added together and displayed. So if you want to analyze whether Facebook performs better than LinkedIn, you will find instructions on how to do this directly below.
How can I get different shortened links in a post group?
If you want to have different shortened links in a post group, e.g. because you want to know whether the post gets more clicks on Facebook or on LinkedIn, you can do this using UTM parameters.
Here is an example of how you can do this: You paste the previously copied link into your post in the hub as normal and make sure that the link ends with a slash. You can then add the respective source as a UTM parameter, in our example this would be LinkedIn and Facebook.
Add the source as follows: ?utm_source=linkedin
For our website, this could look like this:
If you have inserted these links in the respective post and then have the link shortened, you will receive a separate shortened link for each post. And each of these individual shortened links then collects the clicks just for itself and shows them to you. This means you can see how many people clicked on the link on LinkedIn and how many did so on Facebook. This allows you to compare where the respective link was better received.