Here you will find an overview of all searches that you have created in your monitoring area in the settings and the corresponding search results.
You can filter all metrics through the time filter in the dashboard header as usual. There is no channel filter in this dashboard, as the searches are already limited to certain platforms or areas by their settings.
You can quickly and easily search for specific monitoring searches using the search box.
In the default view, searches are sorted by search results. However, you can temporarily sort your searches by other criteria, such as "Change". Just click on the corresponding table heading.
You can export this search overview as PDF as usual.
Detail Dashboard
Once you have selected the desired search(s) you can get more details about them by clicking the "Analyze" button.
Here you can see the following widgets:
- Tickets found
- Tickets found by type
Sentiments Total
- Tickets
- Ø Handling Time
Tickets by Handling Time
You can also export this detail dashboard as PDF as usual.
Additionally, we offer you the possibility to export your ticket information as CSV (Excel).