Before you can add a Facebook channel to the Hub, see the following articles and check that all settings and permissions in the Meta Business account are set accordingly.
Set permissions for owned Facebook pages
Set permissions for owned Instagram account
If you now add a channel in the hub, a pop-up will first open asking you to log in with Facebook. Click the "Connect with Facebook" button.
You will then be redirected to Facebook, where you will need to log in with your Facebook profile. If you are already logged in, you will need to confirm that you want to continue with this account.
If you add your first channel, you will get the following view.
Here you will be guided through several dialogs in which you can either select the first item to approve all current and future companies, pages and accounts or you can select the desired channels via the 2nd item.
If this is not your first Facebook or Instagram channel, make sure you click on "Edit previous settings" to check the settings just mentioned.
Finally, Facebook will show you a confirmation and clicking on "OK" will open the SocialHub again. If everything went well with the connection, you will be shown an overview of your Facebook pages or Instagram channels that you can connect as a channel in the SocialHub.
Select all the channels you want to manage in SocialHub and click the "Add" button. If the channels are not listed here, please check the following article again to make sure that all permissions are set correctly.
Set permissions for owned Facebook pages
Set permissions for owned Instagram account