Clicking Inbox will take you to your news feed. All new comments, mentions, and messages from the channels you've added go there. The inbox works like a to-do list. Your goal is to edit all posts so that the inbox is empty again. So, you can't forget anything.
How can I move messages to another folder?
A post disappears from the inbox,
- if you assign it to the responsible employee in the SocialHub,
- when you do the post (because, for example, no action is required),
- and when you delete the post (be careful! This means you also delete the post in the network, e.g. on Facebook!)
These posts will then end up in the appropriate folder (Assigned to me, Done, Deleted).
Switch between channels
On the top left, you can choose whether you want to see all posts from all channels at once, or only the posts from a specific channel. Even if you now click on "Assigned to me", "Done" and "Deleted", you will only see the posts from this channel in the folders. To the right of the channel name, you can see how many new posts are currently in the inbox of each channel.